Grove Road’s Core Topic Texts: 2 year cycle

Year / Term


Reception / KS1



Year one Autumn 1

Leaf Man

Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf

Goat Goes to Playgroup

Our House

My Friends and me

This is me

Owl babies (T4W)

I wish I’d been a Unicorn

Stone Age – Iron Age 
How to wash a Woolly Mammoth (Robinson) 
DK Findout Stone Age (DK) 
Stuck in the Stone Age (Rodkey) 


Owen and the Soldier (Thompson)

When the Sky Falls (Earle)

Year one Autumn 2

10,9,8 Owls up late!


Our house in the middle of our street

Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle (T4W)

Town Mouse Country Mouse


Stone Age – Iron Age  
Stone Age Boy (Kitamura) 
The Boy with the Bronze Axe (Fidler) 


Now or Never (Rai)

After the War (Palmer)

Year one Spring 1

Bear Hunt

Squash and a squeeze

Journey Home from Grandpas

The Suitcase

Hairy Maclairy

I need a hero


Eliot Midnight Superhero

Epic Earth 
Journey to the Centre of the Earth: Usbourne Young Reading (Courtauld) 
100 things you should know about extreme earth (Claybourne) 


Journey to Jo’Burg (Naidoo)

The Arrival (Tan)

Everest Adventure (Azar)

Year one Spring 2


3 Little Pigs

Billy Goats Gruff

Gingerbread Man

Red Riding Hood

The Runaway train

Naughty bus

The Train Ride (T4W)

Survivors (Long) 
Survivors the toughest creatures on earth (Davies) 
Hurricane (Wiesner) 
Earth Shattering Events (Williams) 


Boy at the Back of the Class (Rauf)

The Explorer (Rundell)

The Journey (Sanna)

Year one Summer 1

Jasper’s Beanstalk


What a wonderful world

Somebody’s swallowed Stanley

Poppy and the Blooms

Currents and Waves 

How does a lighthouse work? (Belyaev) 
Shark Lady/Manfish (Keating/ Berne) 
Kensuke’s Kingdom (Morpurgo) 
The Boy who harnessed the wind (Kamkwamba) 

Ancient Greece

Who Let the Gods Out (Evans)

Mark of the Cyclops (Pirotta)

Year one Summer 2

Bog Baby

Sharing a shell

Barry the Fish with fingers

Shark in the park

Commotion in the Ocean

Take the weather with you

The Wind Blew


Roman Myths (Namm) 
Julius Zebra Rumble with Romans (Northfield) 
Most wanted (Kate Thompson) 
Escape from Pompeii (Balit) 

Ancient Greece

The fastest Boy (Laird)

Percy Jackson (Riordan)


Grove Road’s Core Topic Texts: 2 year cycle

Year / Term


Reception / KS1



Year two Autumn 1

Leaf Man 

Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf 

Stanley’s Stick


Squirrels that squabbled

We’re going on a Leaf Hunt

In Every House in Every Street

The Suitcase


People and their communities

Handa’s  surprise

Crime and Punishment  
The Highway Rat (Donaldson) 
Dick Turpin: Legend and Lies (Deary) 
Gangster Schools (Wiseman) 


Odd and the Frost Giants (Gaiman)

Norse Myths (Crossley-Holland)

Year two Autumn 2

10,9,8 Owls up late!

The Colour Monster

Animals and their habitats


Mog’s Christmas

Percy the Park Keeper

The Jolly Christmas Postman

Road Trip/Journeys 
The North Star (Reynolds) 
Paddington Bear (Bond) 



How to Train Your Dragon (Cowell)

The Land of Roar (McLachlan)

Dragonology (Drake)

Year two Spring 1

Hickory Dickory Dock 

Incy Wincy Spider 

Grand Old Duke of York 

Baa Baa Black Sheep 

Dear Mother Goose

After Fall

The Great Fire of London

Toby and The Great Fire of London

Fireman Piggy Wiggy

No Dragons for Tea

The Egyptians 

The Magic and the Mummy (Deary) 
DK Findout Ancient Egypt (DK) 

Egypt Magnified (Long) 


Middleworld (Voelkel)

Rain Player (Wisniewski)

Year two Spring 2

Dear Zoo

Over in the Meadow

Little Rabbit Foo Foo

Bear Hunt


Cows in the Kitchen

Intrepid explorers

Poles Apart


Lost and found

Follow That Map

The Egyptians  

A River (Martin) 
Egyptian Cinderella (Climo) 


Private Peaceful (Morpurgo)

Where the Poppies now Grow (Robinson)

Year two Summer 1

Jasper’s Beanstalk 


Pass the Jam Jim

Muncha Muncha Muncha

Hungry Caterpillar


Where does our food come from?

Oliver’s fruit and veg

Secrets of the garden

Eat Your Peas

Green Eggs and Ham

The World Around Us 

Ask Dr Fisher about Planet Earth (Llewellyn) 
Destination Planet Earth (Nelson) 


The Jamie Drake Equation (Edge)

Hidden Figures (Shetterly)

Year two Summer 2


3 Little Pigs 

Billy Goats Gruff 

Gingerbread Man 

Red Riding Hood

Dinosaur Dept Store

If you see a Dinosaur

Dinosaur Roar 

Texts may change depending on children’s interests

We’re all going on a summer holiday


The lighthouse keepers lunch (T4W)

Billy’s Bucket

The Singing Mermaid


The World Around Us 

If the World were a Village (Smith) 
How to Change the World (Sirdeshpande) 
Shackleton’s journey (Grill)  

Looking to the future

No one is too small (Thunberg)

Here we are (Jeffers)

The Last Tree (Chabbert)

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