
Thank you for choosing Grove Road Community Primary School. Below, we have collated a range of important information that will support you and your children in settling and succeeding here at Grove Road. We have alphabetised the headings for easier access. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01423 506060 and a member of team will happily help.

If your child is unwell please inform the School Office on the first day of absence. You can do this by ringing 01423 506060 Option 1, you can also report absences using Parent Mail.

The school office record this information and pass it on to teachers.

If your child is unwell for more than 2 days, we ask you to ring again to keep us updated.

A member of the administrative staff checks absences every day and follows up with a call where we have not been notified.

If your child is going to be absent for any length of time, we are happy to provide work for them to complete which can be picked up from the Office and returned for feedback.

If your child has received specialist care for a medical condition, please ask them for some guidance on supporting their return to school, particularly regarding playtimes and P.E. in some circumstances we may need to put an individual risk assessment in place. If your child returns from absence an requires medication, please ensure that you complete the administration of medication forms (available from the school office).

We are required by law to record absences and share these figures with parents, NYCC and the DfE. An absence is considered to be unauthorised if we have not been informed by parents. Parents at Grove Road are really good at letting us know when their child is absent, so your support helps us to make sure that our unauthorised absence figures remain low.

Occasionally a child has an accident at school.  The majority are minor cuts and bruises, which are treated at school by trained first-aiders on our staff. If your child receives a bump to the head during the day, in most cases we will keep them in school and you will receive a head bump letter at the end of the day which gives some advice and guidance on self-management at home. A teacher or member of support staff will inform you that there has been a head bump, this will either be via a phone call or at the end of the day. 


In some circumstances we may contact you and ask you to have your child checked by a health professional and in these instances, or in the event of an emergency, it is vital we are able to contact someone.  Please make sure that the School Office have a current telephone number where we can contact you or a family member during the day.

If children are to achieve their potential they need to attend school for as much time as possible. The Department for Education (DfE) expects all schools to check the level of attendance of all pupils each term and to challenge parents/carers to make improvements where there is any unauthorised absence, where any pupil’s attendance is below 90% or regular intermittent absence. From September 2013, the law has no longer allowed Headteachers to grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances and they can also decide the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted. ‘Exceptional circumstances’ already includes:

  • illness
  • family crisis
  • religious observance
  • unavoidable medical appointments

All routine, non-emergency appointments such as dental check-ups must be made outside of school hours. Should a child need to have an appointment during school hours, evidence of this appointment must be provided.  There are a few other exceptional circumstances that can be taken into consideration and when considering whether to grant a request for term-time absence, we will take account of local and family circumstances as well as ongoing attendance levels.


Our attendance policy is available on our policies page 

Schools have an important part to play in the detection and prevention of child abuse.

Parents and carers should be aware that where it appears to a member of the school staff that a child may have suffered a non-accidental injury or abuse or discloses abuse, the school is required by law to report the matter to the Social Services Department immediately.

Further information about our safeguarding team and our school safeguarding polices can be found on our Safeguarding Page

This school values its relationship with parents/carers and our local community.  We are happy to receive suggestions and comments on what goes on within school. This might be when you think that we are doing something well as a whole team or where you wish to praise a specific member of staff. Compliments and comments can be submitted to the headteacher via email headteacher@groveroad.n-yorks.sch.uk. This feedback will be shared with the relevant members of staff and will be used to help us to identify areas of success and where we can make improvements.

We recognise that there may be times when things are not quite as expected and we believe it is important that anyone who raises a concern is treated seriously and that their concerns and complaints are dealt with fairly. Usually, concerns can be dealt with informally and can be resolved satisfactorily through discussion. Occasionally, a concern cannot be resolved in this way and it may become a complaint. Every effort will be made to resolve the matter informally. However if this is not possible the person may wish to take the matter further and put the complaint in writing. Where a written complaint is received school will follow the steps outlined in the complaints procedure which is available on our policies page.

We believe in the importance of providing a rich and diverse curriculum for all our pupils with opportunities provided to extend pupils skills and interest wherever possible. In practice this means that we offer a range of drama, literary, art, music, sport, science, residential and other experiences for this very purpose. Although many events are provided free of charge, we sometimes ask for parental contributions although we invariably subsidise all additional activities. In addition:

  • We are always mindful of not asking for too many contributions in any one period.
  • Trips and visits outside school hours are optional extras and the law allows the school to charge for these.
  • If parents and carers are having difficulty contributing, your child will still be able to take part in activities during school hours. However, in the event of insufficient contributions, it may be necessary to cancel events.
  • If you have any difficulties with regard to paying for the visit please contact the Headteacher and we will see if we can help in some way.        


The complete charging and remissions policy is available on our policies page   

Grove Road complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

We have appointed Veritau to act as our Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Full information is available in our Information Policy, which can be found on our Policies page.

Information about how we use your personal data is contained in the Privacy Notices also on the Policies page

Children come from a variety of social and cultural backgrounds. It is the school’s policy that all children, parents, carers and staff be treated equally, regardless of gender, religion, race, nationality, social background or physical impairment.  We aim to ensure that the experiences of all pupils are valued and reflected in the curriculum. We value the richness of the multi-ethnic world and aim to celebrate the individual for their own merits.  

  • We provide an inclusive atmosphere based on respect for others and ourselves.
  • We believe that everyone is equally important and that no-one has the right to harass, insult or cause offence to any other person for any reason.

We particularly reject any abuse of individuals for:

  • The colour of their skin
  • Their nationality or accent
  • Their religion
  • Their looks or what they wear
  • Their height or weight
  • Their physical impairment
  • Their gender
  • Their age
  • Their ability or lack of ability
  • Their likes or dislikes
  • Their popularity or lack of popularity
  • Their home or family circumstances

We are all individuals with difference, but we are all equal members of the Grove Road Community Primary School community (Team GR).


Our Accessibility Policy and Single Equality Scheme which details how children with protected characteristics are protected is available on the policies page 

The 'Friends of Grove Road School' (FOGRS) is made up of a happy band of parents who work together to organise fun events throughout the school year. Many of these events provide funds to support activities such as school visits and extra resources to support learning. ‘Friends’ aims to offer parents the opportunity of wide involvement in the life of the school through a variety of activities each term. These range from social evenings and fund raising activities to curriculum events and classroom resources. This helps to foster good relationships between children, parents and teachers. If you would like to join FOGRS, then please speak to your child’s class teacher and they will signpost you to other members.

By adopting a Growth Mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work; intelligence and talent are just the 6 starting points. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all accomplished people have had these qualities. In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits and they spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success— without effort. Teaching a Growth Mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports. It enhances relationships, self-esteem and achievement and for these compelling reasons, at Grove Road, we actively promote and practise this research-based philosophy developed by Carol Dweck.

We are always keen to have help in and around school:

  • Come and help in classrooms, working with individuals or small groups of children.
  • Help with school visits to places of interest or to the swimming pool.
  • Help ‘Friends’ to raise funds for all the extras the children need.

All parent/carer helpers are now required to complete a volunteer application form and apply for an Enhanced DBS check. Please ask at the Office for details.

All children will be asked to complete ‘Daisy’s Daily Double’ at home. You can help them to develop good learning attitudes and make the most of their potential by ensuring that homework is completed on a weekly basis and logged in childrens’ planners.  All children need to:

  • Read every night, if possible. This should be for between 10 minutes in Reception/Key Stage 1 and up to 30 minutes in Key Stage 2. Reading at home REALLY, REALLY makes a difference to children’s academic success so the time spent is well rewarded!
  • Work on online maths platforms (such as Times Table Rockstars) every night, if possible. This should be for between 10 and 30 minutes each day. There is considerable evidence that daily mathematical fluency work has a significant impact on childrens’ confidence and consistency in maths at all ages
  • Children will also be given weekly spellings to support them with their writing fluency. These will be tested on a weekly basis

Planners will be checked by staff on a daily basis and we will get in touch if we notice a child is struggling to complete their home learning. We will also check that parents/carers are signing childrens’ planners on a weekly basis.

At Grove Road we have very positive relationships with our parents. All the staff will happily give their time to meet with parents and carers, listen to any worries, try to find solutions and to offer support. Teachers are available to speak briefly on the playground at the end of the school day, however please speak to the office or send a message via Seesaw if you would like to book in for a longer meeting.

If you feel and talk positively about school, then this will rub off on your child and they will be well settled in school and at home and will make good progress. These are a few ideas on how to help your child make the most of the opportunities school has to offer:

  • Ask about what they enjoyed in school. This is better than asking them if they had any problems because they will quickly learn that this is what you want to know and will focus on thinking of something to tell you. Seesaw is a great place to look to see what learning has been going on in school.
  • Listen to what they say and encourage them to reflect on what they have learnt. Children find this quite difficult and will need encouragement.
  • Engage them in conversations. Computers and technology devices are great but they don’t help children develop good social skills and vocabulary.
  • Share books with them every day if you can.
  • Play games with your child.
  • Encourage them to “have a go” at things.
  • Limit television watching to suitable programmes.
  • Don’t let them use a computer or device for at least an hour before going to bed and make sure they have plenty of sleep so they are fresh and ready to learn.

Children are much more relaxed and confident if they arrive at school in good time and well prepared. To help, you can support them by being organised and ensuring:

  • Reading books and home tasks are brought in on the right day.
  • P.E. and swimming kits are in school on the right days.
  • Your child arrives at school between 8.40am and 8.50 and does not leave before the end of the day.
  • Permission slips and forms are returned promptly.

If you are worried about anything, then please don’t hesitate to come and talk to us. We will do our best to help and similarly we will contact you if we have any concerns.

If a child is taken ill during the day, you will be contacted by telephone. Please make sure that we have an up to date telephone number and emergency contact. If it is absolutely necessary for medicines to be administered during the school day, please deliver the medicine personally to the Office and complete a Medicine form regarding the treatment. Children with asthma must keep their inhaler with them and if your child has an allergy please let us know.

For the safety of all, we ask children not to wear jewellery to school, except for a watch and earrings. We ask that children do not wear smart watches as these can pair with mobile phones and some include cameras. Earrings, if worn, must be studs only and will need to be removed before physical education (P.E.). If this is not possible, we place micropore tape across the earrings to prevent them from causing any injury during the lesson. We are unable to accept responsibility for any lost jewellery.

If your child needs to leave school during lesson time to visit a doctor, dentist or optician, please contact the School Office with details. If you can, we ask that you make appointments out of school hours but we understand that this is not always possible. Children must be collected personally from the school – when you arrive to collect your child, they will be signed out by one of the administrative staff and signed back in when they return.

Lost property is returned to children if the items are clearly named. There are lost property boxes on each floor of the school, so please speak to a member of staff if something has been misplaced.

There are two options for your child: they may have a school lunch, or they may bring a packed lunch. Menus are on a three week cycle and change termly – they can be accessed via our website here https://www.groveroad.n-yorks.sch.uk/parents/school-meals. Free school meals are also provided to all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and to older children who qualify. To find out if you qualify for free meals for your child in Year 3 -Year 6, please call into the Office where someone can advise you. Please claim even if your child doesn’t take a school lunch as the school receives additional funding based on claims. Please note that no sweets are permitted in school and this also applies to lunchtimes, where we ask that those children bringing in a packed lunch bring a broad and balanced selection of healthy food.

If your child needs to leave school during lesson time to visit a doctor, dentist or optician, please contact the School Office with details. If you can, we ask that you make appointments out of school hours but we understand that this is not always possible. Children must be collected personally from the school – when you arrive to collect your child, they will be signed out by one of the administrative staff and signed back in when they return.

Lost property is returned to children if the items are clearly named. There are lost property boxes on each floor of the school, so please speak to a member of staff if something has been misplaced.

There are two options for your child: they may have a school lunch, or they may bring a packed lunch. Menus are on a three week cycle and change termly – they can be accessed via our website here https://www.groveroad.n-yorks.sch.uk/parents/school-meals. Free school meals are also provided to all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and to older children who qualify. To find out if you qualify for free meals for your child in Year 3 -Year 6, please call into the Office where someone can advise you. Please claim even if your child doesn’t take a school lunch as the school receives additional funding based on claims. Please note that no sweets are permitted in school and this also applies to lunchtimes, where we ask that those children bringing in a packed lunch bring a broad and balanced selection of healthy food.

Parent Mail is used to as one of our main sources of communication between school and families. Once admission form are complete, you will receive a text message and/or email with a sign up link. If you require any help with registration please contact the School Office.

Unless attending an organised school club (including Breakfast Club) children should not be in school before 8.40am. This is when the school gates will be opened and a number of staff will be outside. Children should not arrive at school before this time as there is no-one looking after them. Children enter the school building from 8.40am and are welcomed into their classes by the teaching team. They enjoy ‘Early Bird Maths’ with their peers before registration at 8.45am. Children arriving after that time are registered as late and this can often lead to feeling unsettled, particularly if they miss the beginning of the lesson. Please help them to be on time. It is also important that children are picked up promptly at the end of the day at 3.15pm. Your child’s education is important and being late will mean:

  • Missing the beginning of lessons
  • Not hearing important information about school and lessons
  • Lessons disrupted for other children in the class when your child arrives late
  • Not being able to complete work because your child missed vital information
  • Your child potentially being embarrassed at having to enter a room where a lesson has already started
  • Being late for the start of important assessment work or tests
  • Your child failing to learn an important life skill as employers will expect good time keeping and children need to learn this from an early age.

Research has shown that there is a close link between attendance at school and a child’s achievement. Being late adds up to a loss of learning:

  • If your child is 5 minutes late every day, that adds up to over three days lost each year
  • Your child being 15 minutes late every day is the same as being absent for 2 weeks per year.

All time out of school affects learning and achievement for all pupils. For their sake, please make sure that your child arrives at school on time.

Frank is our School Dog, he spends most of his time with Mrs Pitt in her office but can often be seen taking walks around the building. He also listens to the children read and will spend time with children in a calming environment if needed. All interaction with Frank is in a controlled manner and under supervision of Mrs Pitt and another member of staff. Parental permission must be given before children are allowed to interact with Frank. 

The school gates are open from 8.40am to 8:50am when staff welcome the children, however, Registration which takes place at 8:55am and then lessons begin. During the morning children will take part in a range of curriculum subjects with a mid-morning break.

Lunch is taken in two sittings (Reception, Y1/Y2 and Y3/Y4/Y5 &Y6) and children have a longer playtime during that break when important social skills are learnt.

In the afternoon, lessons continue after registration until the end of the school day assembly and finish at 3.15pm. Then it is home for a well-earned rest at the end of a busy day!

We are proud of our uniform at Grove Road. We encourage the children to look smart as we believe that it gives them a sense of belonging and pride in our school. We ask for your co-operation in supporting the uniform policy at Grove Road. We expect all children to wear our school uniform every day:

  • Maroon jumper or cardigan
  • Plain white shirt, blouse or polo shirt
  • Dark grey trousers/shorts or skirt (not jogging bottoms)
  • Grove Road School tie (optional)
  • White, black or grey socks
  • Checked or striped red dresses for summer wear
  • Sensible black school shoes (not trainers)

The school tie and items with the school badge are sold at Emblazon and other school stockists, however children may wear an unembroidered jumper, cardigan and short. Other items, including sensible school shoes, can be purchased from local shops and supermarkets. If you are finding it difficult to purchase a school uniform for your child, then please speak to your child’s class teacher and they will support you with accessing our spare uniform.

P.E. clothing is also essential. All children should have a named PE kit bag, which can be hung on their cloakroom peg.. Within this, they will need:

  • A plain, white T-Shirt
  • A pair of plain, dark shorts / jogging bottoms
  • A pair of plimsolls (indoors) and/or trainers (outdoors)

Football kits should not be worn for PE lessons, nor should studded or bladed trainers.

We take the children’s safety very seriously. Please help us by being aware of these guidelines:

  • Children who are late for school should come to the office and sign in.
  • If you have an appointment to see a member of staff or are visiting during the day, please report to the School Office.
  • Please let us know if another adult is going to collect your child.
  • Please ring if you are going to be late picking up your child.
  • Staff are on duty outside at the end of the day to check that children leave safely and with an appropriate adult. Children who are not collected on time will go to the reception area and our late collection policy will be followed.
  • Dogs (other than Guide Dogs and Frank the School Dog) are not allowed on the playgrounds for safety reasons.

Seesaw is a simple way for our teachers and pupils to record and share what's happening in the classroom. Seesaw gives pupils a place to document their learning, reflect, be creative and learn how to use technology. Each pupil gets their own journal and will add things to it, like photos, videos, drawings, or notes and up to 6 family members can access this via a secure code.

Children are allowed to bring fresh fruit or vegetables for a snack during their mid-morning break. Mrs Ponziani runs a healthy tuck shop every morning by Bertie the reading bus, so children can purchase a snack for 20p at the start of the school day, should they want one. Unhealthy foods – such as sugary snacks and crisps – will not be allowed for morning snack, nor will processed foods, cheese or nuts.

If your child is due to start school in Reception, there will be several opportunities for you and your child to visit school, for example there will be regular termly tours of the school to view us at work. In the term before your child starts school, there will be a meeting with the Headteacher and the EYFS team for parents and carers to talk about the important issues for new parents and children and have there will be opportunities to discuss how to prepare your child for school. Children will visit their new class and teacher and we will run a series of induction sessions for you and your child, as well as a phased start for children in Early Years in September.

Learning to swim is such an important life skill and it is part of the KS2 National Curriculum. All the children in Key Stage 2 undertake a course of swimming lessons at The Hydro at allotted times throughout the academic year. We aim that all children can swim at least 25 metres at the end of the lessons and award certificates to the children. Those who have not achieved this will have opportunity to repeat the lessons in a subsequent academic year.

All children and staff strive to demonstrate our PRIDE values on a daily basis to support our vision to instil in our children the knowledge, skills and values to become confident, independent and successful life-long learners. To find out more about our PRIDE values, please visit this page on our school website: https://www.groveroad.n-yorks.sch.uk/our-school/vision-values

There has been a growing school of thought that lapses in concentration and general lack of energy in school can be due to dehydration. All children at Grove Road are encouraged to bring a named, clear, sport drinks bottle containing PLAIN WATER to school every day. Sport drinks bottles are ones with a pull-up top to drink through. Children keep their bottle in class, where they can have access to a drink of water when they need one, or in a tray by the classroom door. This will both ensure that children have the liquid intake they need and cut down on the necessity to leave the classroom for a drink. It is important that only water is in the bottle as this has the most beneficial effect for dehydration. 

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